Wedding photography contract

Important clauses and terms

  • Non-refundable deposit: A respected photographer will typically require at least a 50% non-refundable deposit, also known as a “retainer,” at the time of signing the agreement.
  • Copyright: The photographer usually retains all copyright ownership rights of the media until the couple has paid in full.
  • Separate charges: The contract often distinguishes between the price for shooting the wedding and the cost of producing the photos (digital or physical prints).
  • Providing meals: If the photographer is covering the reception, a meal is usually provided, or they are given time to eat their food, especially if it's an all-day event.
  • Requesting prints after the wedding: Couples typically have up to 180 days to order prints and additional digital editing. After this period, the photographer may no longer be obligated to fulfill such requests.
  • Watermarked photos: The photographer may send watermarked versions of the photos taken, allowing the couple to choose which ones to purchase.
  • Weather permitting: If inclement weather prevents the wedding, the photographer is still entitled to complete payment. Professional photos cannot be guaranteed in adverse weather conditions.

What happens if the photographer cancels?

If the photographer cancels, the couple will be refunded any deposits made, and the photographer is held harmless from liability. It is advisable to thoroughly review a photographer’s reliability before hiring. An associate or co-worker often provides the services if the primary photographer cannot attend.

What needs to be included in a photography contract?

A wedding photography contract should include:

  • Date, time, and location of the event: Specific details about when and where the wedding will occur.
  • Services provided: Detailed description of the photography services offered, including hours of coverage, number of photographers, and specific shots requested.
  • Payment terms: Total cost, deposit requirements, payment schedule, and consequences of late payments.
  • Cancellation policy: Terms under which either party can cancel the agreement and any associated penalties or refunds.
  • Copyright and usage rights: Details about who owns the photos and how they can be used.
  • Delivery timeline: When can the couple expect to receive the final edited photos, and in what format.

Why are contracts important in photography?

Contracts in photography are crucial because they:

  • Define responsibilities: Clearly outline what the photographer and client expect.
  • Provide legal protection: Offer a legal framework in case of disputes or cancellations.
  • Ensure professionalism: Demonstrate a professional approach to handling photography services.
  • Clarify payment terms: Prevent misunderstandings regarding fees and payment schedules.

How long should a photography contract be?

A photography contract should be comprehensive but concise, typically ranging from 2-5 pages, depending on the complexity of the services and the details required.

How do wedding photographers send photos to clients?

Wedding photographers often send photos to clients using various methods:

  • Online galleries: Password-protected online galleries where clients can view and download their photos.
  • USB drives: Physical USB drives containing high-resolution images.
  • Cloud storage: Links to cloud storage services like Dropbox or Google Drive for easy access and sharing.

How many photos do photographers give to clients?

The number of photos provided varies, but wedding photographers typically deliver between 300-800 edited images, depending on the length of coverage and the specifics of the event.

How do photographers transfer photos?

Photographers transfer photos using:

  • Online galleries: Secure, password-protected galleries.
  • USB drives: Physical media for high-resolution images.
  • Cloud services: Platforms like Dropbox, Google Drive, or WeTransfer.

What is the best format to send photos to clients?

The best format to send photos to clients is high-resolution JPEGs, which offer a good balance of quality and file size, making them easy to view and print.

How to send pictures without losing quality?

To send pictures without losing quality:

  • Use cloud storage: Services like Google Drive or Dropbox maintain the original resolution.
  • Avoid compression: Send files as high-resolution JPEGs or in their original RAW format if necessary.
  • Use USB drives: Physical transfers ensure no loss in quality.

Can a photographer share photos without my permission?

Typically, photographers cannot share photos without the client's permission. The contract should specify usage rights and any conditions under which the photographer can use the images for promotional purposes.


What should be included in a wedding photography contract?

A wedding photography contract should include the event date, time, location, detailed services, payment terms, cancellation policy, copyright and usage rights, and delivery timeline.

Why do photographers require a deposit?

Photographers require a deposit to secure the booking date and cover any initial expenses. It also acts as a commitment from the couple.

Can I negotiate the terms of a photography contract?

Yes, you can negotiate terms to better fit your needs. Discuss any changes with the photographer before signing the contract.

How are wedding photos typically delivered?

Wedding photos are delivered through online galleries, USB drives, or cloud storage links.

What if I'm not satisfied with the photos?

Address your concerns with the photographer. The contract may include a clause for re-editing a certain number of photos or other solutions.

Is it necessary to feed the photographer at the reception?

Yes, if the photographer is covering the reception, it’s courteous to provide a meal, especially during an all-day event.

How long do photographers keep wedding photos?

Photographers generally keep wedding photos for at least a year, but this can vary. It's best to request and save all your photos soon after delivery.

About this template

A wedding photography contract is a legal document between a couple and a photographer outlining the terms and conditions for capturing photos and videos at the wedding event. It specifies the date, time, location, specific requirements for the media, and the photographer's obligations and responsibilities.

Reviewed by 
Viktor Kessler
Co-Founder Notch
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  • Signature element
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Notch is a web-based document editor designed to create, share, and execute contracts and offers with ease. It combines Notion-like drag-and-drop creation with actionable features like signing and payment collection.

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While PandaDoc is powerful, it often feels overwhelming with its extensive features. Notch simplifies the process, focusing on ease of use and actionable documents. It combines document creation with signing and payment features, making it perfect for service-based teams, freelancers, and agencies.

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DocuSign is great for simple signing tasks but lacks document editing capabilities. Notch offers both document creation and execution features, providing a comprehensive solution for client-facing documents that require signatures and payments.

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Notion is excellent for collaborative wikis and knowledge management, but it lacks actionable features. Notch fills this gap by allowing you to create interactive documents that can be signed and paid for directly within the platform.

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