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NIST Compliant

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What is Notch?

Notch is a web-based document editor designed to create, share, and execute contracts and offers with ease. It combines Notion-like drag-and-drop creation with actionable features like signing and payment collection.

How is Notch different from PandaDoc?

While PandaDoc is powerful, it often feels overwhelming with its extensive features. Notch simplifies the process, focusing on ease of use and actionable documents. It combines document creation with signing and payment features, making it perfect for service-based teams, freelancers, and agencies.

How is Notch different from DocuSign?

DocuSign is great for simple signing tasks but lacks document editing capabilities. Notch offers both document creation and execution features, providing a comprehensive solution for client-facing documents that require signatures and payments.

How is Notch different from Notion?

Notion is excellent for collaborative wikis and knowledge management, but it lacks actionable features. Notch fills this gap by allowing you to create interactive documents that can be signed and paid for directly within the platform.

How easy is it to onboard my team to Notch?

Notch is designed with user-friendliness in mind. We provide onboarding resources such as tutorials, webinars, and a dedicated customer success team to help your team quickly become proficient with the platform.