A brief story of documents

Documents seal agreements, forge partnerships, and build empires. Yet the way we create and manage them hasn't evolved in decades.

Think about it. The last time you needed to get a contract signed, how many steps did it take? How many tabs did you open? How many tools did you juggle?

This fragmented approach isn't just inconvenient — it's a relic of the past, clinging to life in a world that's moved on.

The story of modern docs begins in the early 1990s. Computers were emerging, but sharing documents across systems was a nightmare. Formatting would break. Layouts would crumble. It was digital chaos.


Adobe's Camelot Project came into view with a mission to create a universal document format. The result was the PDF — which was a total game-changer that magically made documents look the same on any screen or printer. For all the wonderful things that PDFs brought to the table, there’s always been a missing piece…

PDFs just aren’t actionable. They weren't designed for easy creation, sharing or signing. They weren’t formatted for easy next-step taking. They were built for consistency, not convenience. People found workarounds, sure. But at its core, the PDF remained a static, inflexible beast.

Fast forward to today

Yes, we've seen progress. Google Docs made writing collaborative. Dropbox brought file sharing to the cloud. But when it comes to getting that all-important signature, we're still stuck in the PDF dark ages.

  • Exporting documents as PDF
  • Attaching
  • Email ping-pong
  • Following up endlessly
  • Not mobile responsive

The core idea we needed to question: Why are we using tools designed for the past to handle all-things around documents? We realized that the answer was nested in reimagining what a document can be entirely — a ground-up rebuild.

Not just a digital piece of paper — but a dynamic, interactive space where work actually gets done. Imagine a world where documents are not static system or records, but living entities. Where you can write, embed files, get signatures and collect payments, all with one document.

We believe that documents can unlock human potential. When docs become seamless, ideas flow faster. Contracts close quicker. Innovation accelerates.

The technology exists and the need is certainly clear. What's missing is a paradigm shift in how we think about documents.

Enter Notch

We're creating a new medium of working inside and outside of documents. A piece of software that brings document creation and execution into a single, intuitive space.

It's familiar enough to feel like your favorite note-taking app, but powerful enough to handle any document and contract need. Want to write paragraphs? Share files? Get the document signed? This is now all in one place.

From simple contracts to complex negotiations, Notch adapts to your workflow — not the other way around.

Our aim is to create documents where collaboration happens in real-time, and action is just a click away. The future of documents is:

  • Intuitive
  • Interactive
  • Transactional
  • Integrated

When docs become seamless, ideas flow faster and the barrier between intend and execution will disappear. The focus will shift from managing documents to achieving tangible outcomes.