Non-disclosure agreement

Key components of a non-disclosure agreement

  1. Parties involved
    • Disclosing party: The entity sharing the confidential information.
    • Receiving party: The entity receiving the confidential information.
  2. Definition of confidential information
    • A detailed description of confidential information, including business plans, trade secrets, financial data, etc.
  3. Obligations of the receiving party
    • The receiving party must maintain the confidentiality of the information and refrain from disclosing it to unauthorized individuals or entities.
  4. Term of confidentiality
    • Specifies the duration for which the confidentiality obligations remain in effect.
  5. Exclusions from confidentiality
    • Information that is already public knowledge or becomes public through no fault of the receiving party is not considered confidential.
  6. Consequences of breach
    • Outlines the legal ramifications and penalties for breaching the NDA.

How to write a simple non-disclosure agreement

  1. Identify the parties: Clearly state the full names of the disclosing and receiving parties.
  2. Define confidential information: Provide a detailed description of the information that needs to be kept confidential.
  3. Specify obligations: Outline the receiving party's responsibilities regarding protecting confidential information.
  4. Set the term: Indicate how long the NDA will remain in effect.
  5. Include exclusions: Mention any information that the NDA does not cover.
  6. Outline consequences: Detail the penalties for breaching the agreement.

Example of an NDA statement

"Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of the disclosed information and use it solely to evaluate a potential business relationship. The receiving party shall not disclose the confidential information to any third party without the prior written consent of the disclosing party."

Can I create my NDA?

You can create your NDA using online templates or drafting one from scratch. However, it's advisable to consult with a legal professional to ensure the document is legally binding and adequately protects your interests.

What are the 5 key elements of a non-disclosure agreement?

  1. Identification of parties: Clear identification of the disclosing and receiving parties.
  2. Definition of confidential information: Specific details about what is considered confidential.
  3. Obligations of the receiving party: The receiving party's responsibility is to protect the information.
  4. Duration of confidentiality: The time the information must be kept confidential.
  5. Consequences of breach: Legal actions and penalties for violating the agreement.

What are the three types of NDAs?

  1. Unilateral NDA: One party discloses information, and the receiving party agrees to keep it confidential.
  2. Bilateral NDA: Both parties disclose confidential information to each other and agree to mutual confidentiality.
  3. Multilateral NDA: Three or more parties share confidential information and agree to mutual secrecy.

How long do NDAs last?

The duration of an NDA varies depending on the terms agreed upon by the parties. It can last for a specific period (e.g., 2-5 years) or until the confidential information becomes public through legitimate means.

Are NDAs risky?

NDAs are not inherently risky; poorly drafted NDAs or failure to comply with their terms can lead to legal disputes and potential financial consequences.

What is the difference between NDA and MOU?

An NDA is a legally binding contract specifically designed to protect confidential information. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is a non-binding agreement that outlines the terms and details of a mutual understanding or agreement between parties before finalizing the details in a formal contract.

What is the purpose of an NDA?

The primary purpose of an NDA is to protect sensitive information from being disclosed to unauthorized parties. It ensures that the information remains confidential and is used solely for the agreed-upon purposes.


How do you write a simple non-disclosure agreement?

Identify the parties involved, define the confidential information, specify the receiving party's obligations, set the agreement term, include exclusions, and outline the consequences of the breach.

What is an example of a NDA statement?

"Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of the disclosed information and to use it solely to evaluate a potential business relationship."

Can I create my own NDA?

Yes, you can create your own NDA, but it is advisable to consult a legal professional to ensure it is legally binding.

What are the five critical elements of a non-disclosure agreement?

Identification of parties, definition of confidential information, obligations of the receiving party, duration of confidentiality, and consequences of breach.

What are the three types of NDA?

Unilateral NDA, bilateral NDA, and multilateral NDA.

How long do NDAs last?

The duration can vary, often specified as 2-5 years or until the information becomes public.

Are NDAs risky?

Poorly drafted NDAs or failure to comply can lead to legal disputes and financial consequences.

What is the difference between NDA and MOU?

An NDA protects confidential information; an MOU outlines terms of mutual understanding and is non-binding.

What is the purpose of a NDA?

To protect sensitive information from being disclosed to unauthorized parties and ensure its use for agreed-upon purposes.

About this template

A Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is a legally binding document that ensures confidential information shared between parties remains protected and undisclosed to third parties. NDAs are commonly used in business transactions, partnerships, and other professional relationships where sensitive information needs to be safeguarded.

Reviewed by 
Viktor Kessler
Co-Founder Notch
Integrated features
  • Signature element
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