Distribution agreement

What is the meaning of distribution agreement?

A distribution agreement is a contract that defines the relationship between a supplier and a distributor. It details how the distributor will buy and resell the supplier's products, including terms related to pricing, territory, exclusivity, and performance expectations.

What are the different types of distribution agreements?

The different types of distribution agreements include:

  1. Exclusive distribution agreement: Grants the distributor exclusive rights to sell the supplier's products in a specific territory.
  2. Non-exclusive distribution agreement: Allows multiple distributors to sell the same products in the same area.
  3. Selective distribution agreement: Limits distribution to specific, pre-approved distributors who meet certain criteria.
  4. Sole distribution agreement: Similar to exclusive agreements, but typically applies to only one distributor worldwide or in a larger territory.

What are the benefits of a distribution agreement?

  • Market expansion: Allows suppliers to reach new markets through established distributors.
  • Efficiency: Distributors often have existing infrastructure and logistics, reducing the need for the supplier to build these capabilities.
  • Risk mitigation: Sharing market risks between supplier and distributor.
  • Focus: Suppliers can concentrate on production while distributors handle sales and marketing.

What is the purpose of a distribution deal?

A distribution deal formalizes the relationship between a supplier and a distributor. It sets clear terms for how products will be marketed, sold, and distributed, ensuring both parties understand their responsibilities and expectations. This helps avoid conflicts and foster a cooperative business relationship.

What is the main objective of distribution?

The main objective of distribution is to ensure that products reach the end consumers efficiently and effectively. This involves creating a network of distributors who can handle the logistics, sales, and marketing efforts to deliver products to various markets and customer segments.

Why is distribution required?

Distribution is required to bridge the gap between production and consumption. It ensures that products are available to consumers in the right place, at the right time, and in the right quantities. This is crucial for meeting market demand and maximizing sales.

Why is distribution good?

Distribution is beneficial because it helps suppliers expand their market reach without incurring the costs and risks of building a direct sales force. It leverages the expertise and resources of distributors, leading to more efficient market penetration and better customer service.

What is distribution used for?

Distribution is the process of delivering products from manufacturers to end consumers. It includes various activities such as transportation, warehousing, inventory management, and sales. It ensures that products are available to consumers through the right channels and time.

What is the concept of distribution?

The distribution concept involves the entire process of moving goods from manufacturers to the end users. This includes the physical movement of products and the management of relationships and transactions between suppliers, distributors, and retailers. Effective distribution ensures that products are accessible to consumers in different regions and market segments.


Can a distribution agreement be terminated early?

Yes, a distribution agreement can be terminated early if both parties agree or if specific conditions outlined in the agreement, such as breach of contract, are met.

Are distribution agreements legally binding?

Yes, distribution agreements are legally binding documents that create enforceable rights and obligations for the supplier and the distributor.

What should be included in a distribution agreement?

A distribution agreement should include the scope of distribution, payment terms, duration, performance expectations, exclusivity clauses, and termination conditions.

Can distribution agreements be exclusive?

Yes, distribution agreements can be exclusive, granting one distributor the sole rights to sell the supplier's products in a specific territory.

Do distribution agreements require legal review?

It is highly recommended that distribution agreements be reviewed by legal professionals to ensure compliance with local laws and the protection of both parties' interests.

About this template

A distribution agreement is a legal contract between a supplier and a distributor. It outlines how the distributor can sell the supplier's products. It specifies the responsibilities of both parties, including the scope of distribution, payment terms, and duration of the agreement.

Reviewed by 
Viktor Kessler
Co-Founder Notch
Integrated features
  • Signature element
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Notch is a web-based document editor designed to create, share, and execute contracts and offers with ease. It combines Notion-like drag-and-drop creation with actionable features like signing and payment collection.

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