Time and materials contracts - a simple guide

Viktor Kessler
October 22, 2024
min. read

When it comes to managing projects with uncertain or evolving requirements, time and materials (T&M) contracts offer a flexible and practical solution. These contracts are particularly popular in industries where the scope of work may change during the project, such as construction, software development, and consulting services. In this article, we'll explain what time and materials contracts are, how they work, and what you should consider before entering into one.

What are time and materials contracts?

A time and materials contract is an agreement where the client pays the contractor based on the actual time spent on the project and the materials used. Unlike fixed-price contracts, where the total cost is agreed upon upfront, T&M contracts are more open-ended. They are ideal for projects where the exact scope of work isn't fully known at the beginning, allowing both parties to adapt as the project progresses.

For example, if you're hiring a contractor to renovate your office, but you're unsure of the exact changes you'll need, a T&M contract allows you to make decisions on the fly without worrying about breaching a fixed budget. You’ll pay for the hours worked and the materials used, which can give you more control over the project's direction.

Characteristics of time and materials contracts

Hourly rates

One of the main features of a time and materials contract is that labor is billed at an agreed-upon hourly rate. This rate is typically negotiated before the project begins and can vary depending on the type of work being done and the expertise of the labor involved.


  • In consulting services, a consultant might charge $150 per hour for their expertise, with the total cost depending on the number of hours they work on your project.
  • A software development project might involve developers, designers, and testers, each with different hourly rates. The final cost reflects the time each team member spent on the project.

Materials costs

In addition to labor, materials used in the project are reimbursed based on actual usage or predefined rates. This ensures that the client only pays for what is actually used, rather than a lump sum that might overestimate or underestimate the needs of the project.


  • In construction, if the project requires more concrete than initially anticipated, the contractor is reimbursed for the additional material costs.
  • In manufacturing, if specific components are needed during the project, the cost of these materials is added to the final bill, ensuring that the client covers the actual expenses incurred.

Benefits of time and materials contracts


One of the biggest advantages of time and materials contracts is their flexibility. Because the contract is based on actual time and materials, it allows the project to evolve as needed. This is particularly useful in situations where the project scope is likely to change or where the exact requirements are unclear at the start.


  • If you're working with a web developer to create a new website and decide halfway through the project to add an e-commerce feature, a T&M contract allows you to adjust the scope and cost without renegotiating the entire agreement.
  • In a construction project, if unexpected structural issues are discovered, a T&M contract allows for the necessary changes to be made without going back to the drawing board.


Time and materials contracts offer a high level of transparency because they involve detailed billing for both hours worked and materials used. This means that the client can see exactly where their money is going, which can help build trust and ensure that there are no hidden costs.


  • Contractors provide itemized invoices that list the hours worked by each team member and the cost of materials used, giving the client a clear breakdown of expenses.
  • If a project is taking longer than expected, the client can see why more hours were needed and what additional materials were required, reducing the likelihood of disputes over costs.

Considerations for time and materials contracts

Scope management

While T&M contracts offer flexibility, they also require careful management of the project scope to control costs and timelines. Without clear guidelines, a project can easily expand beyond the original intent, leading to increased costs and delays. It's important to define deliverables upfront and have a process in place for managing any changes to the project scope.


  • Establishing clear milestones and deliverables at the start of the project can help keep it on track and within budget.
  • Implementing a change management process ensures that any modifications to the project are documented and agreed upon by both parties, preventing scope creep.

Risk sharing

In a time and materials contract, the risks are shared between the client and the contractor. The client assumes the risk of cost overruns since they are paying for actual time and materials. However, this risk is mitigated by the transparency of the billing process. The contractor, on the other hand, takes on the risk of project delays or inefficiencies that could extend the project duration.


  • If a project encounters delays due to unforeseen circumstances, such as bad weather on a construction site, the client is responsible for the additional costs. However, because these costs are clearly documented, there is less room for disputes.
  • If a contractor is inefficient or overestimates the time needed for a task, they risk losing the client’s trust, but the client still has the power to monitor and question the time spent.

Legal and compliance considerations

Contractual terms

When drafting a time and materials contract, it’s crucial to clearly define the contractual terms, including hourly rates, material specifications, and payment schedules. This ensures that both parties understand their obligations and reduces the potential for disputes. It’s also important to consider any legal requirements, such as compliance with labor laws and audit requirements.


  • A contract might specify that hourly rates are fixed for the duration of the project, preventing the contractor from raising their rates unexpectedly.
  • The agreement could include provisions for audits to ensure that the contractor’s billing is accurate and that all materials are accounted for.

Dispute resolution

Despite the transparency of time and materials contracts, disputes can still arise, particularly over billing, scope changes, or project delays. Including dispute resolution mechanisms in the contract, such as mediation or arbitration clauses, can help resolve issues quickly and avoid lengthy legal battles.


  • A mediation clause might require that any disputes over billing be addressed through a neutral third party before escalating to legal action.
  • An arbitration clause could specify that disagreements over scope changes be settled by an arbitrator, whose decision is final and binding.


Time and materials contracts provide a flexible and transparent way to manage projects with uncertain or evolving requirements. They allow clients to pay for actual work done and materials used, which can be particularly beneficial in industries where project scopes are likely to change. However, they also require careful scope management and clear contractual terms to ensure that the project stays on track and within budget. 

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