Electronic signatures

Viktor Kessler
September 16, 2024
min. read

Why electronic signatures matter

Imagine signing a contract from anywhere in the world within minutes—no paperwork, no delays. That’s the power of electronic signatures. According to DocuSign, 76% of agreements are finalized in less than a day when electronic signatures are used. This speed is transforming the way businesses operate.

In this article, we’ll explore how electronic signatures work, their legal standing, and why they’re a game-changer for contract management.

Understanding electronic signatures is key to making your contract process faster and more secure. With Notch.so, you can manage and validate electronic signatures with confidence, ensuring that your agreements are both legally sound and protected.

Understanding electronic signatures

What is an electronic signature?

An electronic signature is simply a digital way to sign a document. Instead of pen and paper, you use a computer, smartphone, or tablet to show that you agree to the terms. This makes it easy to sign contracts remotely and collaborate with others, no matter where they are.

How electronic signatures are legally recognized

Legality and validity

Electronic signatures are legally valid in many places, including the United States and the European Union. Laws like the ESIGN Act in the U.S. and the eIDAS Regulation in the EU ensure that electronic signatures are treated the same as handwritten ones, as long as they meet certain conditions.

Keeping signatures secure

To keep electronic signatures safe, methods like multi-factor authentication and encryption are used. These security steps help verify who’s signing and protect the document from tampering.

Making contracts enforceable

Electronic signatures make contracts enforceable by showing that both parties agreed to the terms. They create a digital record, or audit trail, which can be used in court if there’s ever a dispute.

Types of electronic signatures

Basic electronic signatures

These are the simplest forms of electronic signatures. You might just type your name or scan a handwritten signature. While they’re easy to use, they don’t offer the same security features as more advanced options.

Advanced electronic signatures

Advanced electronic signatures are more secure. They use digital certificates and cryptographic methods to make sure any changes to the document after signing are obvious and can be detected.

Qualified electronic signatures

Qualified electronic signatures provide the highest level of security and are legally recognized as equivalent to handwritten signatures. They require a special certificate and a secure device for creating the signature.

Benefits of using electronic signatures

Faster and more convenient

Electronic signatures speed up the contract process. There’s no need to print, sign, scan, and send documents back and forth. This not only saves time but also helps businesses close deals faster, which can improve customer satisfaction.

Secure and compliant

Electronic signatures are secure thanks to encryption and audit trails. They also help you comply with legal standards, providing a reliable record of the signing process and protecting against fraud.

Accessible from anywhere

One of the biggest advantages of electronic signatures is that they allow people to sign contracts from anywhere in the world. This is especially useful for businesses with international clients or remote teams.

Things to consider when using electronic signatures

Knowing the legal requirements

It’s important to know the laws in your area regarding electronic signatures. Understanding these rules ensures that your contracts are legally binding and won’t run into issues later.

Managing risks

While electronic signatures are secure, there are still risks like data breaches and phishing attacks. Using trusted platforms with strong security features can help minimize these risks.

Making sure everyone is on board

To get the most out of electronic signatures, it’s important that everyone involved knows how to use them. Providing training and using easy-to-understand tools can help make the transition smooth.

How Notch.so can help

Secure signature features

Notch.so offers electronic signature options that are encrypted and legally compliant, giving you peace of mind that your contracts are signed safely.

Easy integration

Notch.so works with other platforms, so you can easily include electronic signatures in your existing workflows without any hassle.

Compliance made simple

Notch.so also includes tools that check if your electronic signatures meet legal standards, helping you avoid any compliance issues.

Try using Notch.so to manage your electronic signatures and see how it can simplify your contract workflows. Check out more articles on our site to learn about other ways to improve your contract management.

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