Confidentiality in contracts: incorporating confidentiality clauses

Viktor Kessler
September 24, 2024
min. read

Protecting sensitive information is crucial.
Confidentiality clauses in contracts play a key role in safeguarding this information, helping maintain trust between parties.

Imagine a tech startup sharing its innovative software design with a potential investor. Without a confidentiality agreement, the investor could pass this information to competitors, risking the startup's advantage. This highlights why confidentiality is essential in business contracts.

Here we want to help freelancers and small business owners understand how to include confidentiality clauses in contracts. We’ll walk you through the basics and show how can simplify the process, offering tools for managing contracts with ease.

Confidentiality clauses are vital for protecting your sensitive information and ensuring trust in your business relationships. provides tools that make managing these clauses straightforward and reliable.

What are confidentiality clauses?

Defining confidentiality clauses

Confidentiality clauses are parts of a contract that protect sensitive information shared between parties. These clauses prevent unauthorized sharing or use of proprietary information, like trade secrets and business plans.

Types of confidentiality clauses

  • Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs): NDAs are contracts focused solely on confidentiality. They can be mutual, where both parties share information, or unilateral, where only one party discloses information.
  • Confidentiality provisions: These are clauses within broader contracts, like employment or vendor agreements, that include confidentiality obligations.

Key elements of confidentiality clauses

What counts as confidential information?

Confidential information usually includes things like business strategies, customer lists, and technical data. It's important to clearly define what qualifies as confidential information within the clause to avoid any confusion.

Obligations of the parties

The parties involved must protect the confidential information, often through non-disclosure and non-use clauses. This ensures the information isn’t shared or used beyond the scope of the agreement.

Exceptions and limitations

Confidentiality clauses may have exceptions, such as if a disclosure is required by law or if the information becomes public through no fault of the receiving party.

Legal considerations for confidentiality clauses

Making confidentiality clauses enforceable

For a confidentiality clause to be enforceable, it needs to meet legal standards and follow the requirements of the relevant jurisdiction. This means the clause should be clear, specific, and legally sound.

How long do confidentiality obligations last?

Confidentiality obligations usually last for a set period, such as five years after the agreement ends. Some clauses, known as survival clauses, can extend these obligations even after the contract is terminated.

Best practices for incorporating confidentiality clauses

Customizing clauses to fit your needs

Confidentiality clauses should be tailored to suit your specific business needs. This means considering industry-specific protections and negotiating terms that work for all parties involved.

Using clear and simple language

It’s essential to use clear and simple language in confidentiality clauses to avoid any misunderstandings. This helps ensure that everyone involved fully understands their responsibilities.

Ensuring mutual understanding and agreement

It’s important that all parties fully understand and agree on the terms of the confidentiality clause. This often involves a negotiation process to ensure that the terms are fair and beneficial to everyone involved.

How can help with confidentiality clauses

Accessing a template library offers a variety of customizable templates for confidentiality clauses, including standard NDA templates and specific provisions for different situations.

Integrating into your workflow

The platform allows you to integrate confidentiality clauses into your contract workflows, with features like automated alerts and approval processes to keep everything on track.

Managing documents securely provides secure storage and management of your contracts with confidentiality clauses, using encryption and controlled access to keep your information safe.

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