Common mistakes in contract creation

Viktor Kessler
September 10, 2024
min. read

Vague language and missing terms are the main culprits of contract disputes, often leading to costly legal battles and strained business relationships.

Today we will help you avoid frequent contract drafting errors so you can create clear, effective, and enforceable agreements.

Avoiding common mistakes in contract creation is key to ensuring your agreements are clear, enforceable, and protective of all parties involved. offers tools that help minimize these errors, making contract management easier and more reliable.

Understanding common mistakes in contract creation

What are contract creation mistakes?

These are errors made during the drafting process that can compromise the clarity, enforceability, and overall effectiveness of a contract. Mistakes like these can lead to misunderstandings, disputes, and even legal trouble.

Frequent errors to avoid

Ambiguous language:

When contract terms are unclear or vague, they can be interpreted in multiple ways, leading to disputes. For example, terms like "reasonable efforts" can create confusion if they’re not clearly defined.

Incomplete terms and conditions:

Leaving out essential terms or conditions can create gaps in the contract. Missing details like payment terms or the scope of work can lead to disagreements and unmet expectations.

Lack of clear definitions:

Not defining key terms or roles can lead to confusion about responsibilities. For example, if roles aren’t clearly spelled out, it’s easy for misunderstandings to arise.

Ignoring legal requirements:

Failing to include mandatory clauses or using outdated legal provisions can make a contract unenforceable. It's crucial to stay up-to-date with legal standards and requirements.

Mismatched expectations:

When expectations aren’t clearly aligned, disputes can arise. Differing interpretations of contract terms or unmet expectations can lead to conflict.

Overlooking specific situations:

Every contract should address unique circumstances, like force majeure clauses or specific performance conditions. This helps mitigate risks and handle unexpected events.

Poorly drafted payment and delivery terms:

If payment schedules or delivery deadlines aren’t clear, it can lead to disputes. Make sure to specify payment due dates and delivery obligations clearly.

Failure to address termination and renewal:

Contracts should have clear terms for how they can be terminated or renewed. Undefined procedures or automatic renewals without notice can create issues down the line.

Best practices for effective contract drafting

Thorough review:

Make sure to review your contracts thoroughly. Legal reviews and peer checks help ensure that all terms are clear and complete.

Clear and precise language:

Use straightforward language when drafting contracts. Avoid legal jargon and define terms to make sure everyone understands the agreement.

Consult legal experts:

Getting legal advice during the drafting process can help you stay compliant and avoid common pitfalls. Specialized input is valuable for addressing potential issues.

Document everything:

Keep accurate records during the drafting process. This includes version control and documentation of any changes made to the contract.

Learn from past mistakes:

After a contract is finalized, conduct a review to learn from any drafting errors. This helps improve your process for future contracts.

How can help

Template library: provides access to templates that come with essential clauses already included. These can be customized to fit your specific needs and industry.

Guided contract creation:

The platform guides you through the drafting process with prompts and a checklist to ensure completeness.

Compliance checks: has built-in tools to ensure all legal requirements are met, helping you catch and correct common drafting mistakes.

Secure documentation and signatures:

The platform also facilitates secure electronic signatures, ensuring your contracts are properly documented and verifiable.

Avoiding common mistakes in contract creation is crucial for drafting clear, enforceable agreements. By understanding these errors and following best practices, you can protect both your interests and those of your partners.

Our recommendation is always the same: use to create and manage contracts and minimize the risk of common drafting errors. 

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